Support institutions
An investor deciding to invest in Racibórz can make use of various local, regional and state institutions offering assistance for both Polish and foreign companies.
Entrepreneurship and Investor’s Support Department at the Racibórz Town Hall
Main activities of the Department include:
- coordination and monitoring of implementation of the Business and Entrepreneurship Support Programme for the years 2015-2020,
- preparing information on the investment potential of Racibórz,
- investor assistance throughout the investment process,
- ensuring access to complex information related to the legal and economic context of the investment,
- investor support in finding a business location consistent with the requirements of the investor, his business partners or suppliers,
- providing post-investment support for the companies,
- providing information on the available investment incentives and implementing the so-called open-door for business policy,
- coordination of the Centre for Economic Development offering new office spaces and other premises for new businesses within the “Offices for start-ups” programme,
- supervising the communication with the local businesses within the internet platform and the Facebook profile:
Complex investor support
The Town of Racibórz supports investors on all stages of the investment process, including obtaining all necessary administrative decisions and investment-related problem solving. What is more, all investors developing their businesses in Racibórz are covered with a complex post-investment assistance.
Each investor will be assigned personal Project Manager who is able to complex support is offered to investors throughout the investment process (getting the building permit, finding employees or construction companies etc.).
Contact information:
Urząd Miasta Racibórz
Referat Przedsiębiorczości i Obsługi Inwestora w Wydziale Rozwoju
ul. Batorego 6, 47-400 Racibórz
Tel.: +48 (32) 755 07 20
Business Incubator
In the local Centre for Economic Development the local authorities of Racibórz have opened a Business Incubator that initiates activities aimed at assisting new businesses though training courses, competitions etc.
The Incubator has been set-up within the scope of the Centre for Economic Developmetnt to provide support, information and promotion activities.
Contact information:
Inkubator Przedsiębiorczości w Raciborzu
Ośrodek Współpracy Gospodarczej
ul. Batorego 7, pok. 4 (II piętro), 47-400 Racibórz.
Tel.: +48 791 761 057
EU Funding Mobile Support Centre
The mobile support centre provides information on the available EU funding opportunities for the period 2014-2020. Consultancy includes the available support schemes for SMEs, as well as the information on funding opportunities for setting up new businesses or obtaining professional training.
Free consultancy is offered once a month in the Centre for Economic Development.
Contact information:
Lokalny Punkt Informacyjny Funduszy Europejskich
ul. Powstańców Śląskich 34, 44-200 Rybnik
Godziny pracy: pn 7:00-17:00, wt-pt 7:30-15:30
Tel.: +48 (32) 431 50 25, +48 (32) 423 70 32
President’s of Racibórz Council on Business and Economy
The local business environment in Racibórz has its formal representation in form of a Council that is an advisory board to the President of Racibórz in all matters related to the economic development of Racibórz. Every local entrepreneur can submit their opinion, complaint or motion to the President, through the Council. Council membership is a non-profit activity.
Council members include:
- Local entrepreneurs,
- Town and Poviat authorities,
- Higher education representatives.
More information on the Council can be found here
Racibórz Chamber of Commerce
It is a business support institution organizing local entrepreneurs. The main aim of this institution is to support and stimulate business development in the region. Members include more than 60 entrepreneurs operating in various market sectors, such as trade and services, food industry, production or building. All members are entitled to support, specialist training and consultancy provided by the Chamber. An additional advantage is an opportunity to take part of group purchases of gas and electricity, which guarantees lower prices for these utilities.
Contact information:
Raciborska Izba Gospodarcza
ul. Batorego 7, 47-400 Racibórz
Tel.: +48 (32) 415 51 89
Crafts Guild
It is the longest operating NGO dedicated to business and economy in the local market. The Crafts Guild currently has about 150 members, including bakers, confectioners, carpenters, or hair dressers, etc.
The main aim of the organization is to supervise and stimulate the development of practical skills and vocational trainings (481 apprentices in 146 companies), organize specialist courses, trainings and information sessions. The Crafts Guild supervises vocational education of young people for 3 years and is completed with a journeyman examination oganised by the Crafts Guild in Katowice.
Contact information:
Cech Rzemiosł Różnych w Raciborzu
ul. Kilińskiego 2, 47-400 Racibórz
Tel.: +48 (32) 415 29 32
Powiatowy Urząd Pracy w Raciborzu
The main aim of the District Employment Agency is to promote and stimulate employment in the local labour market and to alleviate the negative consequences of unemployment. What is more, the Agency supports local companies in effective search for competent and professional employees in various fields. It offers financial grants for people starting their companies, as well as workplace refunds for companies giving jobs to the unemployed. The Agency carries out continuous moniotring of deficit and surplus occupations in the local market.
More information on the Agency offer is available here:
Contact information:
Powiatowy Urząd Pracy w Raciborzu
ul. Klasztorna 6, 47-400 Racibórz
Tel.: +48 (32) 415 45 50
Katowice Special Economic Zone S. A. –Jastrzębie-Żory Sub-zone
The Special Economic Zone was set up in 1996 r. Its main tasks are as follows:
- to promote the Economic Zone and seek new investors,
- to sell investment sites included in the Zone’s portfolio,
- to issue permissions for business activity within the Zone,
- to issue income tax reliefs,
- to assisst investors in their business activity.
Detailed information on the Katowice Special Economic Zone is available on KSSE website:
View investment sites in Racibórz included in the KSSE portfolio:
Contact information:
Podstrefa Jastrzębsko-Żorska KSSE
ul. Muzealna 1/1, 44-240 Żory
Tel.: +48 (32) 435 16 13
Silesian Centre for Investor and Exporter Support
The Centre is an authorised partner of the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency, which ensures complex investor support on the regional level and is the first contact point for people interested in making investments in the region.
Contact information:
Śląskie Centrum Obsługi Inwestora i Eksportera
Wydział Gospodarki, Turystyki i Sportu
Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Śląskiego
ul. Reymonta 24 (building PEMUG), Katowice
Adress :
ul. Ligonia 46, 40-037 Katowice
Tel.: +48 (32) 774 00 67/68/77
Silesian Entrepreneurship Centre in Chorzów
It is a regional, state-owned institution that is an intermediary in the implementation of the Silesian Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020, coordinating the support schemes for SMEs.
Contact information:
Śląskie Centrum Przedsiębiorczości
ul. Katowicka 47, 41-500 Chorzów
tel. +48 (32) 743 91 60
Fundusz Górnośląski S.A.
It is the biggest and most important institution in Silesia offering various financial instruments stimulating the development of public, private and NGO sectors. It takes active part in regional development as well as creating favouralble conditions for the implementation of EU funding schemes in Silesia. More information on Fundusz Górnośląski S.A. is available on:
Contact information:
Fundusz Górnośląski S.A.
ul. Sokolska 8, 40-086 Katowice
Tel. +48 (32) 200 84 44, (32) 200 84 00, (32) 201 00 12
Regional Chamber of Commerce in Katowice
Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice was established by 103 founders on 13th February 1990 and registered on 21st March 1990. It's an organization of economic self-government, which associates business entities.
Principal aims and tasks of the Chamber according to the Statute:
- Representing economic interests of entrepreneurs associated in the Chamber and their unions in the scope of their economic activities, especially in relations with state and authorities of local government,
- Forming, popularizing and promoting the rules of ethics and fairness in economic activities, especially elaborating and improving the norms of reliable proceedings in trading,
- Giving opinions on legal acts concerning economy, monitoring the process of their implementation and functioning, and introducing these assessments, with possible suggestions of change, to adequate public authorities,
- Organizing assistance for the Chamber’s Members in solving economic, organizational and legal problems in running their business activities,
- Pursuing promotional activities for the benefit of the Chamber’s Members and assisting them in establishing contacts with Polish and foreign partners,
- Developing educational system, which prepares employees for the economic sector,
- Undertaking activities for employment and development of human resources, performing tasks, which result from the membership in the Polish Chamber of Commerce,
- Running the Court of Arbitration and a mediation center by the CCI in Katowice,
- Conducting mediation and honorary proceedings in economic cases, in which at least one side is represented by the Chamber’s Member,
- Representing interests of entrepreneurs - employers who are the Chamber’s Members in relations with public authorities and employees’ organizations, including contacts with trade unions.
Contact information:
Regionalna Izba Gospodarcza w Katowicach
ul. Opolska 15, 40-084 Katowice
tel.: +48 (32) 351 11 80, (32) 351 11 90
The Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAih)
The Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH), helps investors to enter the Polish market and find the best ways to utilise the possibilities available to them. The Agency guides investors through all the essential administrative and legal procedures that involve a project; they also support firms that are already active in Poland. The Agency provides rapid access to the complex information relating to legal and business matters regarding the investments, helps in finding the appropriate partners and suppliers, together with new locations.
PAIH’s mission is also to create a positive image of Poland across the world, promoting Polish goods and services.
zdjęcie lub logotyp – po stronie miasta (fotografia poglądowa:
Contact information:
ul. Bagatela 12, 00-585 Warszawa.
Tel.: +48 22 334 98 00, Fax: +48 22 334 99 99
E-mail dla inwestorów: SEND A MESSAGE
The National Centre for Research and Development
The National Centre for Research and Development is the implementing agency of the Minister of Science and Higher Education. It was appointed in the summer 2007 as an entity in charge of the performance of the tasks within the area of national science, science and technology and innovation policies. The main task of the National Centre for Research and Development is management and execution of strategic research and development programs, which lead directly to the development of innovativeness.
Among the tasks of the National Centre for Research and Development, are the support of commercialization and other forms of transfer of scientific research results, the management of applied research programs and the performance of national security and defense projects.
Contact information:
Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju
ul. Nowogrodzka 47a , 00-695 Warszawa
Tel: +48 (22) 39 07 401
Godziny pracy: 8:15 - 16:15
National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFEP&WM) which was established in 1989 as a result of the regime transformation in Poland, in cooperation with voivodeship funds for environmental protection and water management is the pillar of the Polish system of financing environmental protection. The basis of the National Fund’s operation as a State legal person is the Act on Environmental Protection Law. The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFEP&WM) is the main source of financing pro-ecological investments in Poland. For 26 years it has been the most important element of the Polish system of financing for environmental protection and water management. Moreover it has at its disposal the largest financial potential.
Contact information:
Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej
ul. Konstruktorska 3a, 02-673 Warszawa
Godziny urzędowania: 7:30 - 15:30
Tel.: +48 (22) 459 00 00, +48 (22) 459 01 00
Polish Agency for Enterprise Development
ARP is a government agency that has been providing support to entrepreneurs in the implementation of competitive and innovative projects for over 10 years. The primary objective of our activity is to develop the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland. To support entrepreneurs, PARP uses the funds from the State budget and European Funds. In the 2007-2013financial perspective, the Agency is responsible for the implementation of measures under three Operational Programmes: Innovative Economy, Human Capital and Development of Eastern Poland.
One of the key tasks of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development is to support export, including strengthening of the competitive position of Polish enterprises on foreign markets and making it easier for small and medium-sized enterprises to get in touch with foreign companies in their business. (more information available on
Contact information:
Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości
ul. Pańska 81/83, 00-834 Warszawa
Tel.: + 48 (22) 432 80 80 / + 48 (22) 432 71 25
The State Development Bank of Poland.
Today BGK both implements and initiates numerous programmes supporting the economic development of Poland. It is the pillar of the Polish Investments programme under which it organises long-term funding of investment projects, including investments of strategic importance for the national economy and state interests. It manages export support and infrastructure programmes and develops a system of sureties and guaranties.
BGK is involved in the financing of local government entities (LGEs), utility companies and healthcare institutions and in the implementation of programmes aimed to improve the housing market situation and the availability of housing in Poland. It is a leading institution in the process of public finance consolidation and in the flow of European funds.
Contact information:
Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego - Oddział w Opolu
ul. Żeromskiego 1, 45-053 Opole
Tel.: +48 (77) 423 47 10 / Infolinia: 801 598 888, +48 (22) 599 88 88
Consulting companies
There are a number of reliable and highly specialised consulting companies operating in Racibórz including:
L.p. | Company name Contact information |
EU grants for companies |
1. | PLANERGIA Sp. z o.o. ul. Ligocka 103/1c 40-568 Katowice tel. +48 501 151 996 - Patryk Swoboda e-mail: SEND A MESSAGE Website: |
2. | AGROFUN Ośrodek Szkolenia i Pozyskiwania Środków Unijnych ul. Pocztowa 14 47-400 Racibórz tel. +48 32 415 09 23 - Gabriela Skotarek |
3. | STAR CONSULTING Sp. J. ul. Mickiewicza 23 47-450 Krzyżanowice tel. 32 419 60 29 kom. +48 664 015 384 - Michał Kura e-mail: SEND A MESSAGE Website: |
4. | NEXUM Sp. z o.o. ul. Podmiejska 95 44-207 Rybnik Tel.: +48 32 739 60 70-71 - Przemysław Ekiert FAX: +48 32 757 02 21 E-mail: SEND A MESSAGE Website: |
All biggest banks operating in Poland have their branches in Racibórz including:
- Bank Spółdzielczy S.A.,
- PKO Bank Polski S.A.,
- ING Bank Śląski S.A.,
- Bank Zachodni WBK S.A.,
- Alior Bank SA,
- Bank BGŻ BNP Paribas S.A.,
- Bank Millennium S.A.,
- Credit Agricole Bank Polska S.A.
There are also a large number of cash machines in Racibórz.
Legal services
Legal services offered by barristers and solicitors are also available in Racibórz:
L.p. | Company name Contact information |
1. | KANCELARIA ADWOKACKA Adwokat Marta Bortel-Borowska ul. Opawska 40 (I piętro Galeria Dukat), 47-400 Racibórz tel. +48 608 203 818 e-mail: SEND A MESSAGE Website: |
2. | KANCELARIA RADCY PRAWNEGO Natalia Lewandowska-Fac ul. Podwale 14/4, 47-400 Racibórz tel. +48 664 762 877 e-mail: Website: |
3. | KANCELARIA ADWOKACKA Adwokat Adrian Mika ul. Mickiewicza 13B/2, 47-400 Racibórz tel. +48 508 592 255 e-mail: SEND A MESSAGE Website: |
4. | KANCELARIE ADWOKACKIE STEFAN ZIENTEK I MICHAŁ ZIENTEK Adwokat Stefan Zientek ul. Rynek 1/2, 47-400 Racibórz tel.: +48 602 612 648 e-mail:SEND A MESSAGE Website: |
Updated: 2019-07-24