Economic potential

Dynamic development

Stable labour market, access to well-qualified employees together with the status of a strong economic centre where successful and innovative projects are developed place Racibórz among the towns offering best opportunities for development in Poland and in Europe. Large number and variety of incentives and bonuses for companies make current investments in Racibórz worth giving a serious consideration. Companies well-known in Poland and abroad, such as Sunex S.A., RAFAKO S.A. or ZPC Mieszko, are already based in Racibórz.

High opportunity sectors


The authorities of Racibórz actively monitor the local labour market trying to assisst investors the decision proces while considering investments in Racibórz.

Industry and the medical sector

Given the long history of production and industry-based companies in Racibórz, combined with educational profiles selected in local secondary, vocational and higher-education schools, together with a wide range of available investment grounds and favourable attitude of local authorities, Racibórz should be considered as a place offering excellent opportunities for development of businesses in industry and medical sectors.

Tourism, hotel and food services

Picturesque landscape together with a well-developed public transport (railway and coach transport), accompanied with its location close to a wide network of national and regional roads and motorways (A1, A4 and the Czech D1 motorway) make Racibórz a well-suited place for investments in tourism and recreation. There are numerous tourist (historical and nature/wildlife) attractions in the area, such as The Racibórz Dukes’ Castle, the Church of the Ascent of the Blessed Virgin Mary parish, “Łężczok” nature reserve or other beautiful areas protected by the Nautre 2000 environmental protection network. Racibórz can be a good starting point for trips in the area of Kotlina Raciborsko-Oświęcimska (the Racibórz-Oświęcim Valley), which makes the town an attractive place for investments in a hotel and food-service sectors.

Logistics and transport

The location in the South-Western part of Poland, close to the Polish-Czech boarder, an important role in the Western Subregion of Silesia together with a large number of companies (including the industry and production sectors) rise a good opportunity for the development of businesses in logistics and transport. Another important factor in the development of these sectors is a well-developed network of roads – national, regional, local as well as motorways.

Silesian voivodship

Analysis carried out for Silesia show that the following have been identified as high opportunity sectors for the Silesian voivodship: automotive industry, BPO (Business Process Outsourcing), high-tech and tourism.

More information about business opportunities for tourism in Silesia can be found on

 More information about general business opportunities in Silesia can be found on the Regional Investor Support Centre website:

Infrastructural potential of Racibórz

  Infographic showing the strengths of Racibórz

  • The Local Zoning Plan covers about 38% of the area of Racibórz.
  • The town continuously develops investment areas which includes spatial delimitation and development plans for various areas.Production areas and areas intended for SMEs are treated as a priority. Currently, the priority areas include the plots in ul. Bartka Lasoty and ul. 1 Maja (former sugar factory).
  • ESIM – Electronic System of Town Information is a teleinformation platform enabling an easy and effective on-line contact between the local government and the inhabitants of Racibórz.
  • 400kV energy distribution network operate by Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne – Południe Sp. z o.o. runs through Racibórz. TAURON Polska Energia S.A., the second biggest energy provide in Poland, is responsible for the energy supply.
  • The gas supply network covers 90% of the town with considerable reserves in potential gas throughput, given the current usage. All gas users in Racibórz are supplied from the low and medium pressure network and from two pressure reduction/measuring units. Gaz-System S.A. is responsible for the technical operation of the supply network.
  • The overall length of the water supply system in Racibórz is 114km. The local sewage network covers about 95% of the town population.
  • As far as telecommunication networks are concerned, underground cables and overhead lines as well as optical fiber networks are most commonly used. Wireless network is also under dynamic development.
  • Services of the biggest landline network operators in Poland, such as  Orange Polska S.A. i Netia S.A., cover the area of Racibórz.
  • The following mobile phone providers operate in Racibórz: Polkomtel S.A. („Plus” network), Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp. z o.o. („T-Mobile” network), Orange Polska S.A. („Orange” network and P4 Sp. z o.o. („Play” network).
  • Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej Jastrzębie-Zdrój S.A. is responsible fo heat generation and supply in Racibórz. “Nowoczesna” Building Society is the biggest heat recipient in Racibórz. The overall length of the heat supply network operated by PEC Jastrzębie-Zdrój in the area of Racibórz is 45,2km.
  • The town is covered with a rich network of roads of various classes. The main communication route is the national road no 45 (Chałupki – Racibórz – Opole – Kluczbork – Praszka – Wieluń – Złoczew) together with a network of regional roads. Local and poviat roads are complementary routes in the communication network of Racibórz. The  current length of all public roads is 189,74km, where local roads (71,24% - 135,18km) are operated by the borough of Racibórz itself.The road infrastructure in Racibórz is continuously developed to enable better access to the town. The current road development projects include the Racibórz-Pszczyna road (a dual carriageway with the function of Rybnik and Żory ring road), Droga Główna Południowa – the Racibórz section that will enable effective communication between Racibórz and the nearby cities (eg. Rybnik and Jastrzębie-Zdrój), as well as allowing good access to the A1 motorway and the Eastern ring road of Racibórz connecting the regional road Racibórz - Pszczyna and DK 45.
  • A flood control reservoir “Racibórz Dolny” (26km2) aimed to secure the population in the area of the Odra basin (from Racibórz to Wrocław) is currently under contstruction.
  • The nearest airport international airport is located in Ostrava, 40km from Racibórz, whereas the Katowice-Pyrzowice International airport is 80km from Racibórz.
  • Racibórz provides complex education at all levels – from nurseries, through kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, vocational schools to higher education schools.
  • Good geographic location, picturesque landscape and well-developed infrastructure make Racibórz a place well-suited for active sports, tourism and recreation.

Information on the business environment institutions providing services providing opportunities
for optimal business development can be found here:

 Updated: 2019-07-23

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